

Surgery of Lung Cancer from 3.5cm: TRT1 News

SIVATS – kapalı ameliyat yönteminde açık ameliyatın aksine hastanın kaburgaları arasından büyük kesi yapılmaz. Robotik ameliyat akciğer ameliyatı yönteminde yapılanın aksine 3 ayrı kesi yapılmaz. SIVATS ile kapalı ameliyat sonrası hastanede yatış süresi sadece 4 gündür. Ameliyattan bir hafta sonra normal hasta yaşama dönmüş olur. SIVATS akciğer…

Single Port Thoracoscopy Surgery in Lung Cancer

What is Single Port Thoracoscopy? Why Single Port Thoracoscopy? How To? (All drawings are copyrighted by Prof.Dr. Semih Halezeroğlu. Should not be used without permission) Under general anesthesia, an incision of 1-5 cm is made on the side of the…

Who Is Pneumothorax Common?

Thoracic Surgery Specialist Prof. from Acıbadem Maslak Hospital. Dr. Semih Halezeroğlu says that the disease called pneumothorax in medicine is a good example of this. because this disease is seen in tall, dark-skinned, thin physique men between the ages of…

Prof. dr. Semih Halezeroğlu on CNN Turk

In the Health Check program broadcast on CNN Türk, Leyla Ataman with doctors who are experts in her field; diseases, new applications, innovations in treatment, interesting. covers cases and answers to the most frequently asked questions. Health Check program Prof.…

Record of Our Education Videos: 1.300.000 Views!

Click to reach our Youtube training and surgery videos page In addition to the surgery videos prepared by Semih Halezeroğlu for patients and their relatives on our Youtube channel, you can also access the list of surgery videos prepared specifically…