Areas of Interest

Lung Cancer Surgery

The most effective treatment method in early-stage lung cancer is surgical removal of the tumorous lung tissue. However, not every lung cancer patient is suitable for surgery. Below you can find questions and answers about lung cancer surgeries.

Stage.1 Lung Cancer and Treatment

Stage.2 Lung Cancer and Treatment

Stage.3 Lung Cancer and Treatment

Stage.4 Lung Cancer and Treatment

Diaphragm Surgery

Lung Nodules



Thymoma Diagnosis and Treatment

Mediastinal Tumors and Cysts

Lung Cysts and Treatment

Bebeklerde Akciğer Kistleri

Akciğer Kanseri

Kunduracı Göğsü

Hidatik Kist

Pneumothorax (Lung Deflated)

ETS in the Treatment of Excessive Sweating

Akciğer Metastaz Cerrahisi

Göğüs Cerrahisinde Tek Port VATS Ameliyatı